Robust State Estimator (Smart Electric Grid, LLC)
Robust State Estimator(Smart Electric Grid, LLC) 

Background of State-Estimator-Plus (SE+)

A groundbreaking software company revolutionizing electric smart grid monitoring

In March 2020, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) conducted a survey on the causes of Energy Management System (EMS) failures. EMS is a computer-aided tool used by system operators to monitor, control, and optimize the performance of generation and/or transmission systems. According to the survey, 45% of EMS failures were attributed to state estimator divergence.

Cited: <Risks and Mitigations for Losing EMS Functions Reference Document – Version 2>, NERC survey, March 2020

State estimator serves as the crucial core function within an Energy Management System (EMS). It plays a vital role in providing a reliable base case for various network applications, including Power Flow and Contingency Analysis. Considered as the "heart" of EMS, the state estimator is expected to ensure consistency and accuracy, forming the foundation for optimal system monitoring and control.


The revolutionary Accurate Non-Divergent State Estimator (SE+) addresses the challenges of divergence and biased solutions encountered by conventional state estimators. By leveraging SE+, the voltage solution is solely determined by the measurement configuration, system topology, and parameters, eliminating the need for human intervention, adjustments, or any form of linearization or approximation. This cutting-edge technology ensures precise and reliable results, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of power system monitoring and control.





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